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Transportation and Logistics Messaging Solutions

Transport SMS Mobile Messaging

Orange Enterprise Messaging (OEM) is a trusted mobile messaging solution for transportation and logistics operations.

OEM provides comprehensive 2-way SMS and email mobile messaging through a single user interface for inbound and outbound messaging. The platform effortlessly integrates with your existing IT systems and makes communication easier through the automation of workflow processes throughout a single facility or across multiple facilities for:

  • Operating logistics processes
  • Training and worker safety
  • Delivering B2C customer notifications
  • Managing critical incidents
  • Validating the status of remote workers
  • Delivering account service alerts
  • Providing One-time passwords and two-factor authentication
  • Integrating messaging with existing systems

OEM is built on the Soprano Mobile Enterprise Messaging Suite, an intelligent, geo-redundant and feature-rich software platform that sends 50 million mission-critical messages across the world every month.The platform has demonstrated its capability to handle excessive volume spikes, maintain low message delivery latency and high platform availability.

Messaging Solutions for the Transportation Industry

Transport Business Continuity

Manage Critical Incidents

When a critical event occurs, get crucial messages to the right people quickly. Use Orange Enterprise Messaging to confirm the safety of remote workers, track responses and escalate issues using the online platform.

SMS Travel Alerts

Mobile B2C Info Alerts

Send 1-way and 2-way B2C broadcast alerts using Orange Enterprise Messaging via SMS or email. Increase productivity by integrating, scheduling and automating messages and reduce the number of time-consuming processes when communicating with customers.

Travel Operations Productivity

Safety,Training & Internal Ops

Streamline transportation operational tasks and become more efficient by integrating Orange Enterprise Messaging. For example, support deployments across the airline, train and bus industries.

Respond rapidly during a critical incident
Enhance your business continuity plan with SMS

Business Continuity Mobile Messaging

Critical Incident Management

Create your different templates and group lists for different scenarios in advance, ( for example different messages and contacts for on-site and remote workers, security officers, specialists, first responders, etc.). Easily import contacts from existing IT systems.

Rapid Response Management

Quickly send alerts from any you are from your web browser at any time of the day or night. You can also initiate broadcasts be sending an SMS from your mobile device. The system is pre-configured to enable you to deploy time-sensitive information quickly to the right people, wherever you are.

Adapt to Changing Circumstances

Quickly add customised content to broadcast messages before you send, combine contact groups effortlessly, request a response and view real-time reporting during a critical event. Send one-off at any point, or schedule automatic delivery of pre-written alerts.

Effective Crisis Management with SMS

Send rapid notifications across your organisation and facilitiate 2-way SMS with Orange Enterprise Messaging. Deliver mission-critical messages during and after an emergency event via SMS to pre-configured group of workers.

Featured Use Case

Verify worker safety quickly using SMS. The OEM StaffSafe application tracks responses and automatically escalates if a response hasn’t been received within a specified time period.

Passenger & Traveler B2C Messaging
Deploy a reliable B2C messaging solution to deliver transport alerts

B2C Travel & Passenger Alerting

Information & Awareness Alerts

Manage opt-in marketing and loyalty programs by integrating and consolidating SMS with your CRM system to provide a tailored relationship with your customers. Provide your hubs and regional locations with the ability to send announcements, promotions and offers via SMS.

Travel Notifications

Automate the delivery of customer booking confirmations and travel reminders. Send informative travel requirements, route changes or delays. OEM integrates with account IT systems to track and report an audit trail with a full archive of all SMS conversations.

SPAM Compliance

Adhere with SPAM rules and regulations and ensure your contact lists are compliant. OEM’s capabilities allow you to manage a whitelist (opt-in subscribe) and blacklist (opt-out unsubscribe) and has additional fraud-protection features as well.

Send B2C Mobile Alerts with a Reliable SMS Platform

Use Orange Enterprise Messaging to deliver discounted upgrade possibilities to loyal customers before they travel or inform them about travel disruptions, such as those caused by adverse weather. The platform makes managing large distribution lists and monitoring real-time performance reports effortless with OEM’s sopthisticated suite of tools.

Featured Use Case

Provide additional information to account holders by sending URLs to HTML landing pages via SMS.

Improve Productivity with Mobile Messaging
Coordinate internal teams, deliver training updates and manage worker safety

Transport Operations Productivity & Management

Coordinate & Collaborate Teams

Manage small and large teams of operational staff. Orange Enterprise Messaging syncs with existing operations systems to automate mobile messaging and integrate SMS as a tool to make your workforce more productive through sending and receiving real-time information.

Safety & Training Messages

Provide ongoing safety and training information to workers and ops workers via SMS with Orange Enterprise Messaging. Ensure teams are kept up-to-date with real-time and high-impact information regarding changes to priorities or situations.

API System Integration

Enable Orange Enterprise Messaging to integrate with your existing transport IT systems. Use OEM’s ‘smart’ messaging capabilities to track employee’ hours, vehicle turnaround times and repair requirements without impacting existing workflows. APIs include REST, HTTP/S, SMPP, SMTP, WCTP, SNPP, SOAP/WSDL, FTP, Group/Contacts, Java and .Net.

Effective Transport Operations using Mobile Messaging

Facilitate rapid broadcast notifications and 2-way SMS between workers and operations teams across all of your operational sites. Orange Enterprise Messaging enhances your existing workflows and systems to enable account authentication using SMS for one-time-passwords, complementing leading IT administration systems, CRM systems, and well as various industry alerting and facility IT systems.

Featured Use Case

Fill temporary and vacant shifts with Orange Enterprise Messaging. Send automated mobile shift offers, deliver shift details to a target group of contacts and give the shift to candidate who is first to respond. Provide automated SMS reminders to ensure workers turn up for their scheduled shift on time.

Get Mission-Critical Mobile Messaging
Discover how mobile messaging can help your logistics business

Security Options for Connectivity

Use HTTPS or FTPS for enhanced data transport security for messaging use cases such as 2-factor authentication via SMS for password protection.

Permission & Consent Controls

Permission & opt-out consent management provides the opportunity to create mobile message delivery for consumer-facing services.

Multi-site Setup

Hierarchical data and visibility management. Create different views for operators, customers, sub-customers, and users.

Dynamic List Management

Create contacts, groups, and lists that reside in the cloud-based system and become available via APIs or mobile clients. Full support for dynamic opt-in and opt-out integration.

24/7 Technical Support and Service

Orange Enterprise Messaging is backed by a 24x7x365 highly available carrier support team.

Smart Integration and Automation APIs

Integrate secure and encrypted mobile messaging features with existing IT systems using SMPP, SMTP, WCTP, SNPP, HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP/WSDL, FTP, XMPP, location, group/contact, Java, or .Net.

Administration, Reporting and Analysis

Powerful real-time and scheduled reporting that can enable viewing system data across the entire school, for each individual group, or for each individual user.

Robust User Management

Orange Enterprise Messaging offers role-based user management that provides access to highly customizable capabilities based on each user for effective enterprise messaging.

2-way Multi-Channel Messaging Platform

Comprehensive 2-way messaging through a single user interface for inbound and outbound email, SMS, and MMS. Additional capabilities include voice broadcast, secure messaging and location-aware messaging capabilities.

Integrates With


Get Started Today

Contact us to learn more about logistics and transportation messaging